Jan 12, 2010 21:00
So, barring something that may turn up in the not-too-distant future panning out, I am likely, what with the lack of teaching and finishing of dissertation, to have a semester of relative leisure ahead of me. And while I plan to spend some of it on job-hunting things and publications, I also want to, you know, actually do some leisure reading for once. So I decided, since everyone I know loves them, they have been cropping up on my flist a fair deal of late, and they do sound rather fun, that now would be as good a time as any to read some of the Discworld books.
However, I also know that a) there are a ton of them, and b) it is apparently not necessary to read them in strict chronological order. So I am asking you guys, since many of you are well-versed in the subject: where should I start? (I have already had one recommendation of Guards! Guards!)
Poll help determine my reading list!
the last one on the bandwagon,
the wisdom of elljay