yet another fic meme

Aug 02, 2009 19:20

From garpu.

Post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations.

All sentences are posted in the order in which they appear in my WIP folder on my computer rather than any sort of chronological scheme. WIPs included in this meme the last time I did it have been omitted.

1. Ben rolled his eyes -- the gesture coming off as somehow impressive, coming from him -- took a swig of his ale, and replaced his tankard before roaring, "Children!"

2. Sure, it's not like Will hasn't kissed anyone before, even with tongues, because he and Sam Daniel tried that back during freshman year and that counts even if they instantly pulled apart in a fit of embarrassed giggles (she is now dating Mike Drayton, which, okay, who hadn't seen that coming since middle school).

3. For someone who occupied the exceedingly frustrating position of Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir John Bushy was disgustingly cheerful.

4. He had never been so glad of Anne's tendency to be flexible in matters regarding propriety among betrothed couples, for when she saw him for the first time since his return and threw her arms around him he almost felt healed.

5. It was an odd miracle, as miracles went: usually, as far as Geoffrey knew, they tended to involve people being instantly healed of unpleasant diseases, or being able to live for three days and preach to people after being beheaded, or emerging unscathed from the bellies of dragons, rather than blue boxes appearing unasked-for in one's garden, but nevertheless, there had been a rush of wind and a loud swooping sound and then there was a blue box in his garden where there had most certainly not been one before, and a very tall rake-thin man, accompanied by a red-haired woman, came out of it, and spoke to him as if he knew him.

6. Instead he sits with his fingers entwined in Anne's, and Robert de Vere is leaning in close and his lips are an inch from Richard's ear, brushing against his golden hair, and now Richard is laughing and when Henry looks up at them he feels like his head is full of stinging wasps and his skin doesn't fit properly.

7. The next morning when she saw Robert she smiled at him and in her head she said: You're a cuckold now and you don't even know it.

8. Or so that is what the people say, and they call the rebel Hereford by the name of King Henry the fourth, but Isabel knows it is a lie, for her husband lives still, and while he lives he is king, he is king and she is queen and Hereford nothing but a foul and wicked traitor.

9. Thomas would have rolled his eyes and said something withering about the grandiosity of the affair. Or the expense. He accounts himself plain. Rather, he used to.

10. He examines the blisters beginning to form on his hands and thinks of how it would feel to burn to death, and cannot escape a memory of reading from the Book of Martyrs as a child, with its pictures of bishops and laymen alike going to the flames with hands outstretched in agony and faces completely unmoved -- the appearance of peace amid the conflagration was ineffably terrifying.

11. If, for instance, you were haunted by someone's continued existence despite the assurance of doctors and solicitors that he was certainly not mentally competent to manage the family's estates, the problem might best be handled by a well-chosen word here and there. There was no need to become overly enmeshed in the details of it.

What this proves:

a) I am painfully monofannish
b) I never finish things
c) If I did I would probably have written a historical novel of respectable length.

i have so long keepe shepe, fic

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