fic rec

Jul 28, 2009 01:14

Via selenak.

Star Trek: Generations Gaps, by fairhearing. Star Trek!reboot/TNG crossover, PG-13, cracktastic, lots of pairings but nothing explicit. Reboot!Enterprise gets into a time loop, ends up in the regular Trek universe, and WACKINESS ENSUES.
"This must seem odd, since we've been acquainted for several hours now, but with one thing and another..." He chuckled softly. "I didn't have a chance to properly introduce myself to the D's crew."

"Jim Kirk," he said, reaching out a hand and smiling so his eyes sparkled.

"Deanna Troi," said Troi, suppressing a smile. She shook his hand lightly, ignoring how he lingered.

"How long have you been in Starfleet?"

She grinned at him. "I'm not going to sleep with you, Captain."

He looked shocked. "I, I'm sorry?"

"And no, I'm not going to give you a pity-kiss either."

And now I think I shall go to bed. (I have a dermatologist appointment tomorrow. Bleh.)

fic recs: star trek, trekkiness, fic recs

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