insert reference to 2 Henry IV 3.1.4-31 here.

Jun 11, 2009 07:30

So my decidedly unkingly couch1 did the watch-case or common 'larum-bell -- and you should visualize that being said exactly the way Jon Finch says it in the 1979 BBC version -- thing tonight, with the result that I haven't actually been to bed yet. Well, no, I did go for about an hour, rather pointlessly, and then I got up and actually did stuff. It is weird to have accomplished things before 8 am, even if they only include grocery shopping and going to the pharmacy for brane medz. (Also nice: the pharmacist filled my prescription right away, because it's my birthday.)

I am going to go return some library books now and then mail something, but before I go, a couple of links:

This guy was my freshman English teacher. I liked him, though I would have liked him even better if I liked contemporary American literature more than I do (the class that really inspired me was my sophomore English class, where I read Chaucer and Shakespeare and figured out what I wanted to do with my life). I got back in touch with him recently (zomg facebook), and he actually did remember me,2 even though I took his class over fifteen years ago. I'm sure I'm not one of the students he'll ever write about in his lengthy facebook notes, but he did always like my creative writing assigments, and he said I have a gift for the absurd.

Blog post on the soliloquies in Chimes at Midnight. A reasonably interesting read, though there are a few things I'd quibble at, and a factual error (Hal and Falstaff do in fact have another scene between Shrewsbury and the coronation. In fact it's the fairly unsettling Hal/Poins/Doll/Falstaff OT4 scene. That makes total sense in context, I promise.)

1. Actually I spent three hours sleeping on the couch just yesterday evening. That reference would probably work better if I came from a region where people referred to that particular furniture item as a "sofa."
2. I am almost certain he also remembers my mother, but that story is embarrassing.

mentally interesting, shakespeare on film, the inward eye, insomnia posts, links, henry iv

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