more lovely images to contemplate

Apr 13, 2009 02:52

From 2 Henry IV 1.2.:
I was never manned with an agate till now, but I will inset you neither in gold nor silver, but in vile apparel, and send you back again to your master for a jewel -- the juvenal, the Prince your master, whose chin is not yet fledge. I will sooner have a beard grow in the palm of my hand than he shall get one of his cheek, and yet he will not stick to say his face is a face royal.

Well, now we know why Harold Bloom identifies with him.

I wonder, in all seriousness, if that particular myth was current when 2H4 was written, though. Anyone know? I know that in general you don't see serious cultural freakouts about masturbation until a couple of centuries later.

this tetralogy gets filthier every time, you can't unsee it, demonstrations of outstanding maturity, henry iv

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