paaaaaaaatrick steeeeeeeeeeeewart!

Feb 03, 2009 21:13

So I am watching that Playing Shakespeare ep where John Barton talks with Patrick Stewart and David Suchet about playing Shylock (it's class prep).

OMG, the voice Stewart uses for Shylock is even plummier than his normal voice. (He says in the video he played Shylock as the sort of foreigner who speaks the language better than the natives, whereas Suchet's approach was to be very in-your-face about being different. They also argue over whether Judaism qua Judaism is important: Suchet, who is himself Jewish, says yes; Stewart, who isn't, says no. Interesting.)

Next up is the Olivier version, with Sir Larry as a Rothschild-like Victorian Shylock.

theater, merchant of venice, shakespeare on teevee

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