oh, Lydgate.

Nov 19, 2008 17:41

Yet another candidate for "Best Footnote Ever," from the TEAMS edition of Lydgate's Siege of Thebes:
"Come forth, Daun John, be your Cristene name,
And lat us make some manere myrth or play!
Shet youre portoos, a twenty devel way!
Is no disport so to patere and seie.
It wol make youre lippes wonder dreye.
Tel some tale, and make therof jape,
For be my rouncy, thow shalt not eskape.
But prech not of non holynesse;
Ginne some tale of myrth or of gladnesse,
And nodde not with thyn hevy bekke.169
Telle us somethyng that draweth to effekke
Only of joye. Make no lenger lette!"

169 Lydgate apparently had a big nose.

marginalia, medieval lit is on crack

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