lea's twitterings: TOO INANE FOR LJ!

Nov 18, 2008 01:10

  • 16:15 @ theredshoes yeah, but that article is pretty awesome. #
  • 17:02 @ theredshoes the one about how to recognize arial (and why arial is a menace) #
  • 17:12 @ theredshoes it does! also, and i always pull out this anecdote in font discussions: i once had a student who handed in papers in comic sans #
  • 17:52 @ theredshoes download twitterfox! it's much nicer than the web interface. although if you have issues with ff plugins, maybe not. #
  • 17:57 @ queeniefox leela on futurama's answer was "then do it the WRONG way!" #
  • 21:29 @ theredshoes i still use the lj webclient! #
  • 22:24 @ Mauschen that's awesome! it was at chicago shakespeare theater, and the post is here: angevin2.livejournal.com/673928.html #
  • 22:26 jon stewart's interview with sir david frost is so cool. #
  • 22:39 @ Mauschen you're most welcome! i am flattered. :D #
  • 22:44 @ Mauschen certainly you may! #
  • 22:44 @ Mauschen i mean, i DID make it a public post :) #
  • 22:49 @ Mauschen *bows* #
  • 22:59 @ Mauschen okay! that would be awesome. #
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