John Bale hath a blogge

Oct 11, 2008 01:14

And it is here:

If your response to this statement is "Who?" -- and this is a fairly likely thing -- start here. Google will give you the impression that he played for the Kansas City Royals, which is a pretty hilarious mental image, but a sadly inaccurate one. Rather, he was an English Reformer and historian, and is probably best known for being the author of King Johan, the first history play in English (it is kind of like a morality play only with historical figures in it). He was cranky and staunchly interested in sodomy (writing about it, not engaging in it, though who knows what he got up to in his spare time. NB also that he thought that in the right circumstances not having sex could also be sodomitical).

(He also has an RSS feed at biliousbale.)

Also, kip_w is writing Toon River Anthology (part two is here), and it is awesome. Possibly funnier if you read the Comics Curmudgeon, but if you have any familiarity at all with the dreck that blights comics pages across North America, it is worth a read. The pastiche is spot on.

things that are awesome, tudory things, links

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