so even though i LIKED the candid photo meme

Sep 22, 2008 16:24

Since I apparently enjoy the opportunity to look creepy and pallid on lj and all, I rather liked this alternative that the_red_shoes started and lareinenoire picked up, in which we all post pictures of our bookcases. Because I love pictures of books, even though these are not really very brilliant photos and you mostly can't read the titles.

my boooooooks )

photos, i have so long keepe shepe, booksluttery, bük pørn

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stagbeetle September 22 2008, 22:08:04 UTC
Boooooooooooooooooooooks. Lovely. On Shakespeare editions: have you a favourite complete works? I need one, and am dithering. And I can see you've got several. ;)

Also: Wilton Diptych and Richard II posters! Yay!


angevin2 September 22 2008, 22:16:57 UTC
Well, the one piece of advice I would absolutely insist upon is not to buy the Arden complete works: it sucks. It has no footnotes, and what is the point of having an Arden Shakespeare if it doesn't have the footnotes ( ... )


quietprofanity September 22 2008, 22:28:19 UTC
though thankfully it at least retains Falstaff's proper name, unlike the Oxford, which "restores" the name Oldcastle, a decision I HATE)

Ewww. :(


angevin2 September 22 2008, 22:31:04 UTC


quietprofanity September 22 2008, 22:35:16 UTC
Yeah, I mean ... I get the mentality behind it, but, like, you don't just CHANGE something that's permeated the cultural consciousness like that. It's just ... wrong.

(Also, can I add you to my friendslist?)


angevin2 September 22 2008, 22:43:57 UTC
Feel free! I enjoy making new friends. :)


quietprofanity September 22 2008, 22:47:21 UTC
Awesome! I love all your Shakespeare stuff ... what I understand, anyway. [adds!]


angevin2 September 22 2008, 22:48:40 UTC
Do you want to be on the dissertation filter and/or the academic job market filter? I haven't posted to either in a while, but pretty soon they will be very busy.


quietprofanity September 22 2008, 22:56:45 UTC
Well, dissertation sounds interesting. What's the job market one like? Is it more commentary or is it just, "Hey, do you guys want to do this?" (I'm one of those weird people who went for a B.A. in Communications (no grad school and no plans for grad school) but occasionally took literature classes for fun. OK, I only took "Chaucer" but I would have taken more if I had the credits.)


angevin2 September 22 2008, 22:58:44 UTC
It's mostly me freaking out about how few postings there are and how nobody's going to want to hire me. And keeping track of letters I send out/receive.

I'll add you to the diss one, though.


quietprofanity September 22 2008, 23:00:37 UTC
Oh, yeah. I don't mind that. I think everyone can sympathize with job-freakouts. :)


angevin2 September 22 2008, 23:10:34 UTC
Have added you to both.

I also post my rejection letters to the job filter, so it ends up offering a useful tutorial in academic bullshitting.


tekalynn September 23 2008, 01:27:23 UTC
It works for one pun.


Meanwhile, everyone's scratching their heads wondering where this "Falstaff" fellow went that they've been hearing so much about.


angevin2 September 23 2008, 01:28:20 UTC
And the pun is only slightly funny at all because the character's name isn't Oldcastle anymore.


tempestsarekind September 22 2008, 22:30:49 UTC
Yay Riverside! Perversely, I like teaching from it because it forces the students to use other ways of telling prose from verse than the length of the lines on the page. This is how I discovered that perhaps a third of my Shakespeare students last year *couldn't* tell prose from verse on their own.

Also, I now feel better about the fact that my books are double-stacked on all my bookcases. (Sadly, I don't have room for more bookcases. Or books, technically. That never seems to stop me...)


angevin2 September 22 2008, 22:49:33 UTC
I am weirdly ambivalent about double-stacking books. On the one hand, if they aren't, I feel like a poseur who doesn't have as many books as she could have. On the other, if they are, it's hard to get to the ones in the back!


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