so even though i LIKED the candid photo meme

Sep 22, 2008 16:24

Since I apparently enjoy the opportunity to look creepy and pallid on lj and all, I rather liked this alternative that the_red_shoes started and lareinenoire picked up, in which we all post pictures of our bookcases. Because I love pictures of books, even though these are not really very brilliant photos and you mostly can't read the titles.

my boooooooks )

photos, i have so long keepe shepe, booksluttery, bük pørn

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gileonnen September 22 2008, 21:46:22 UTC
Heeeey. In the second picture from the bottom, middle of the second shelf from the top--I have that edition of Othello.


angevin2 September 22 2008, 21:48:24 UTC
The Sourcebooks one? I got that as a free eval copy, like all the Sourcebooks edns I have -- one of the great things about being a Shakespeare teacher is that publishers send you swag. I also got the four-volume Bevington that way, and a lot of Bedford Shakespeares and a couple of crappy selected works anthologies.


gileonnen September 22 2008, 21:50:20 UTC
I got it as a free, 'hey, look, you're attending a conference!' copy. ^_~ I should probably do this meme.


angevin2 September 22 2008, 21:53:32 UTC
Hee, those are great too. The little stack of Folgers in the first pic was acquired in precisely that manner. (Though I actually had all of those before, except for 1 Henry VI which is new; I figure you can never have too many Shakespeare paperbacks. This is why I own 25 copies of the Henry IVs, though, so you may wish to dismiss my comments as coming from someone with an unhealthy fixation.)


eilonwy September 23 2008, 02:14:02 UTC
I think every Shakespearean on the planet has a copy of that Othello sourcebook! They gave them out for free at Blackfriars 3, and *still* had a ton left over and gave them to all the grad students, too. And every professor I visit has the same copy. My adviser has like 10 of them.


gileonnen September 23 2008, 02:17:17 UTC
*grin* But I'm not even a Shakespearean. I just have a lot of Shakespeare icons and hang out with them and attend their conferences and present papers and--

--oh, blast, I'm a Shakespearean, aren't I.


eilonwy September 23 2008, 03:01:14 UTC
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. :D


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