the guy who wrote Twelfth Night chews on my socks when I'm asleep

Jul 04, 2008 04:38

So the Sci-Fi Channel Twilight Zone marathon has gotten to the episode where the struggling TV writer resurrects Shakespeare to help him come up with things that will sell. I had never seen it before because Sci-Fi only ever shows the hourlong episodes during marathons, and this one always comes up when I'm asleep or not home.

It is entertaining and all, although it constructs Shakespeare's conception of authorship in a way that is frequently anachronistic (though that is typical of fictional Shakespeares). I have to admit though: every time Shakespeare quotes one of his plays by act/scene I twitch and go "the act/scene divisions are mostly editorial!"

This is because I am an enormous dork.

(Also, one rarely hears quotation from Troilus and Cressida on television anymore. Or even Henry IV, which got quoted about thirty seconds ago. Hee.)

shakespeareana, it turns out it's man

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