The Canterbury SMACKDOWN, Round II

May 16, 2008 23:34

Well, after a vigorous round of voting, the field of pilgrims has been narrowed. Most of the contests were no contest at all, except in the field of Steadfast Women tale-tellers, in which the Second Nun hangs on by the skin of her teeth to beat the Man of Law (who complains that he'd have had a much better story if that good-for-nothing story-hog ( Read more... )

pointless polls, chaucer, the canterbury smackdown

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kindkit May 17 2008, 05:00:32 UTC
I am sad that you pitted the Knight's Tale against the Second Nun's Tale. They're both special favorites of mine, as tales that are often considered boring but that I think are great.

In the end I had to go for the Knight's Tale, though. I love it, even though no one thinks to ask Emelye what she wants. The Second Nun's tale is waaaaay more feminist. It just doesn't have lovesickness and tournaments and ironic!prayers.


angevin2 May 17 2008, 05:10:33 UTC
True that. I suppose we all go for the shiny in the end.

Also, Shakespeare/Fletcher's take on things in The Two Noble Kinsmen is...well, on crack, mostly. And of course in that version there's the scene where Hippolyta's like "Why don't you want to get married, Emilia?" and Emilia is all "BECAUSE I'M GAY." Which is awesome.


rymenhild May 17 2008, 05:26:39 UTC
Well, Palamon and Arcite are gay for each other, anyhow, so I don't really think Emilia would have to worry about sex that much.

-Rym, still rooting for Sir Thopas


angevin2 May 17 2008, 05:30:39 UTC
It's true. Everyone in the whole play is gay, except for the Jailer's Daughter.


speak_me_fair May 17 2008, 08:46:32 UTC
I love Sir Thopas. And you're right, this is the Gay Rights Play :-)


a_t_rain May 17 2008, 13:39:01 UTC
I am sad that you pitted the Knight's Tale against the Second Nun's Tale.

Me, too, but I also had to go with the Knight's Tale, if only for Saturn's "My cours, that hath so wyde for to turne" speech. And, of course, poor Theseus trying so hard to prove that the Firste Moevere is stable, eterne, and benevolent, when we've seen the gods and they are playing chess with human pieces.


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