The Canterbury SMACKDOWN, Round I

May 15, 2008 18:38

So the last time I had an LJ-poll tournament it was the Mentally Scarring PSA Tournament, which was, as the title suggests, mentally scarring, and which proved to us all that Emma Thompson is a total badass.

I thought that next time I had a long-running poll, it would be less scarring. This one was inspired by a conversation I had at a_t_rain's journal where I brought up a prof I had in undergrad who'd give "Who should win the storytelling contest in the Canterbury Tales?" as an extra credit question: I thought, hey, that'd be a fun lj tournament, so, here it is.

Brackets are based on the order of the tales according to the Ellesmere MS. Which means that two of the best of the bunch are up against each other in the first round. I counted Chaucer's tales separately, and put the Cook and the Squire in a separate category on the grounds that they don't finish their tales (Chaucer doesn't finish Sir Thopas either, but he's the author, so he gets special treatment). Criteria are whatever you want (e.g., whether prologues count).

If you wish to refresh your memory (or if you haven't had the good fortune to have read the Tales yet, in which case WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR), there's a complete e-text of the Tales here.

Poll The Canterbury SMACKDOWN, Round One

pointless polls, chaucer, the canterbury smackdown

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