la la la memity meme

Mar 22, 2008 20:55

I am feeling avoidant and procrastinatory, and so here is a meme courtesy of skirmish_of_wit.

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

skirmish_of_wit gave me these five icons:


Keywords: yay beer by saltedpin
As you can see, saltedpin made this one, and graciously allowed me to use it. Edward IV was totally a party animal, which was fun for all, but he expired at the young (even for the fifteenth century) age of 40 after the end of the Wars of the Roses (for all intents and purposes) allowed him much, much more time for drinking and wenching. Also, he makes a good subject for piss-taking. Used mostly for posts about revelry of some sort.


Keywords: superbaaaaaaaard by strangepowers
This was the poster for the World Shakespeare Conference a couple of years back. I don't use it nearly frequently enough, and then I forget I have it and it's like a vicious cycle of icon neglect.


Keywords: piers of exton: showman extraordinaire
Oh, this one has a fun story. The quotation on it is from James Goodhall's 1772 adaptation of Richard II (described here in great detail), in which all of the things Goodhall found inappropriate about the original text, such as excessive punning, even more excessive rhyming, and utterly insufficient homoeroticism are "corrected." One of the things deemed unsuitable for a decorous eighteenth-century audience was the scene of Richard's murder in Pomfret Castle, "an Incident too shocking for a refined Age to see, when a Recital of it answered the same End." Exton's recital of it is sidesplitting:
I heard you say,
Will no Man rid me of this living Fear:
From this, the Zeal I bore your Majesty
Bid me effect it.
I kill'd him with a sturdy Battle Axe:
Three of my Men he slew; I needs must own
In his good Right he did as Kings shou'd do,
And in this Action better'd all his Life.

If this version had ever been performed (it was not, since David Garrick, for whom it was written, wisely preferred the original text), it would surely have brought down the house. Anyway, I use this icon for the occasional post about regicide, and more often as a substitute for taking a sturdy battleaxe to problem students.


Keywords: *is 12*
This is a crop of a portrait of a Dutch courtesan, painted in 1625 by Gerrit van Honthorst. You can read more about it and see a larger version here. The painting, as you can see from the website, is in the St. Louis Art Museum, and I have always been fond of it. I use the icon, as you can probably guess, when being amused by various rude things.


Keywords: o rlgh?
This one was inspired by an icon made by ankhet, with a similar conceit, except only with Ralegh, and I thought that his fortunes at court followed the arc of the original meme sufficiently (Elizabeth ["YA RLGH"] was a fan; James ["NO WAI"] less so) to make an amusing icon. I use it for being arch and for general Elizabethan-ness.

i have so long keepe shepe, icons

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