random linkage

Feb 12, 2008 19:45

1. Via pecunium: Themes from Carmina Burana. ON BANJOS. It has pictures too but they're not very interesting. But the music is full of awesome.

2. Via oxforddnb_feed: today's ODNB Life of the Day is Anne of Bohemia. Yay for people who get talked about in my dissertation!

3. From the Onion AV Club: 20 pop-cultural obsessions even geekier than Monty Python. This one has been making the rounds; I am surprised hasn't been a "bold the ones you've been into" meme yet. Possibly I should start one. (My score: 9 of 20, assuming all technicalities count.)

4. Via commodorified, from the Guardian -- which seems to have redesigned its website since the last time I looked at it -- "God moves to the left" (none of which will be all that surprising really to a lot of people on my flist, but I'm posting anyway).

5. RSC goodness! Jonathan Slinger doing the opening soliloquy from Richard III.

richard ii, stalking the rsc (but not really lj), richard iii, videos, theater, slingerful goodness, things that are awesome, religion, dorkery, links

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