random pollery

Dec 17, 2007 22:41

Since I've made a lot of new friends recently. People I met through ajodasso's medievalist friending meme are on the diss filter, because I figured they'd be interested.

You can tell if you're on either filter because diss filter posts have [diss] in the subject line, and job search posts have [job search] in the subject line, so please check this out before you vote in the poll (last job search post was today at 5:48 pm; last diss post was on December 12 at 6:48 pm). If you are already on either/both filter, or don't want to be, ignore the poll (what poll?). Well, except for the silly part.

Also, I have included a poll question on an unrelated topic of earth-shattering importance.

Poll filters filters roly-poly filters

pointless polls, lj maintenance

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