memity meme meme meme

Oct 16, 2007 20:45

Because it's more fun than revising my cover letter.

via sadcypress:

Comment on this post. I'll choose seven userpics from your profile and you'll reply here (or you know, your own journal, whichever), explaining what they mean and why you're using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along. Also, feel free to ask me about my icons here, as well.

Keywords: know ye not that?
Comments: jonathan slinger as richard ii

This is, as you can see from the comments, Jonathan Slinger in a publicity shot for the RSC's current production of Richard II. I just love this picture -- they've made him up to look like Elizabeth I, who famously compared herself to Richard ("I am Richard II, know ye not that?") following a failed rebellion, and in any case, the genderfuckery and dragtastic costume are entirely appropriate to Shakespeare's Richard. (Also, I think he is kind of hot with the makeup and the facial hair and all, though in the actual production shots he looks sort of weird.) The text running down the side says "someday we may see a woman king, from Iron & Wine's "Woman King." I use it for posts involving genderfuck and/or Richard II generally (I also have a Fiona Shaw icon for the same purpose. angevin2: because we have a CHOICE of Richard II genderfuck icons).

Keywords: kneeified toes
Comments: thomas of woodstock 3.2.220-226

The relevant passage from Woodstock (in which shoes like the ones pictured are worn and frequently referenced) is this:
In a most kind coherence, so it like your Grace; for these two parts, being in operation and quality different, as for example: the toe a disdainer or spurner; the knee a dutiful and most humble orator. This chain doth, as it were, so toeify the knee and so kneeify the toe, that between both it makes a most methodical coherence, or coherent method.

That is, the chained shoes, in making proper bodily functions fungible, end up being a metaphor for the flattening of the social order that occurs when upstart courtiers get promoted above the traditional aristocracy, which is a major fixation of the play, as is fashion. Used largely for posts about Woodstock, or topics which have some tangential connection to pointy shoes.

Keywords: the educated pig
Comments: none

This is actually, IIRC, the logo for a barbecue restaurant, but it amused me, because it's a pig in a mortarboard with a diploma, and in what way is that not amusing? Used mostly for posts about food.

Keywords: richard ii as adapted by yakov smirnov
Comments: well, it's IN THE TEXT!

You're all familiar with Yakov Smirnoff's routine, yes? Cf. Richard II's famous line, "I wasted time, and now doth time waste me." Really, it was pretty much inevitable.

Keywords: i lose at feminism or something
Comments: from "cat and girl" by dorothy gambrell

Specifically, this comic. Used for posts about feminism; I went with some irony there because I have Issues -- not about feminism so much as locating myself within it seeing as how I'm a well-educated heterosexual white American Catholic girl from an upper-middle-class background and thus have a lot of privilege I get stupid and twitchy about, and am also pathologically noncombative about things that matter, which seems important here, so yeah. *flail* (NB: I am still really, really pro-feminism. I just think I personally might suck at it.)

Keywords: for a memorable honor by tashabear
Comments: *laugh, weep, hug*

Kenneth Branagh as Henry V having a moment of catharsis. This particular scene (the one with Fluellen and the leek speech and "I am Welsh, you know, good my countryman") has been a long-running frequent reference among certain of my friends, and the film is one of my very favorites. Even if it took me years to be able to talk about the play without the attending Branagh-related baggage. ;)

Keywords: sam + marlowe = teh sex by commodorified
Comments: sam west, carrington. made for me!

This picture is from a notable scene in Carrington which features Sam West and Emma Thompson getting naked, which is a Good Thing. The text is from Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, scil. the Helen of Troy speech, and I have long been known to say that "in wanton Arethusa's azured arms" is in fact the sexiest line in English literature. Say it aloud a few times if you don't believe me.

i have so long keepe shepe

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