STILL MORE rsc press clippings

Aug 27, 2007 15:14

Via lite_bright.

From the Observer:

It's one of the main thrusts of Michael Boyd's productions of these Histories, that monarchy is shackled to fear: no sooner does someone gain the crown than he begins to lose it. The RSC's Courtyard is full of reproachful ghosts and echoes. A bloodied murder victim walks through the action at the beginning of Richard II. Two plays and some nine hours later, King Richard gets out of his box, in crown and white nightie - the all-purpose uniform of a dead royal - to cast a chill on the proceedings.

I was going to have you play "Guess the Line That Made Lea Laugh Like a Total Idiot For Far Longer than Is Really Proper," but I figured, what the hell, I'll just quote it.

Also, the reviewer says rude things about MY PLAY:

As drama, Richard II is one of Shakespeare's most overrated efforts: the moony bits in which the king worries about himself read well, but in performance they're easily swamped by all those heritage, title-dropping 'What doth our cousin?' speeches.

Bah. Although I am sure that the "most overrated efforts" bit is a sentiment shared by everyone who has ever talked to me for more than five minutes.

(Though I do agree with the "Henry IV > most things" sentiment in the preceding paragraph. Because IT IS.)

I do, incidentally, post about other things every so often. Seriously.

lea's compulsive ricardianism, richard ii, stalking the rsc (but not really lj), other people's reviews

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