O God, that one might read the book of fate

Aug 25, 2007 04:01

So I was talking to jucundushomo about things I have referenced in front of my freshmen before remembering that they are far too young to remember them, and the topic of the stupid Beloit College Mindset List which is supposed to explain how this year's college freshmen see the world, assuming they are stupid and live under a rock and have never cracked a book or newspaper open in their lives, came up.

(One thing on the list for jucundushomo's year is "The British Royal family has always behaved badly." GEE, YOU THINK?)

I am too old for this list, in fact, as the earliest of them is 2002 (kids born in 1980), and I was born in 1979 and graduated from college in 2001, but close enough, I am pretty sure I am not hugely different from people born in 1980. Anyway, it is much easier to see how silly this thing is when you look at the list for the year you were born in or relatively close to it, but that isn't the point of this post.

The point of the post is that one of the items on the 2002 list, which I guess came out in 1998 or so, is "They have never feared a nuclear war."

Which is pretty ironic in hindsight, because I bet they do now.

tea dammit, snark, wtf, didactic children's histories

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