the Daleks take Manhattan!

Jul 27, 2007 21:04

This week's Five Things About Doctor Who Post! I have decided that I will not include "David Tennant is hot" for one of the Five Things in these posts, because it's always true. ;)

(And this week he got to be all SRS DOCTOR too. Man.)

1. It seems to be a recurring theme that most significant buildings are actually the result of malevolent alien plots (the Globe in "The Shakespeare Code," the Empire State Building here). Is this characteristic of the series (and an excuse to get back to Earth frequently) or just this season?

2. I took note of the Standard Time-Travel Setting Noticing of Martha's Race (the comment about Hooverville being an "equal society," and Tallulah's remark about how she's found "a forward-thinking guy"), but it seemed a bit strange that nobody in the Hooverville scenes took note of her gender -- were there any other women in Hooverville? OTOH, Martha's crush on the Doctor is now an Official Plot Point.
2a. With or without the "musical theater" line (was that stereotype current in the 1930s?), "You can kiss me later. You too, Frank" made me giggle.

3. Tallulah annoyed me greatly at first, but her equanimity in the face of her boyfriend's piggification was admirable. Also, Lazlo clearly has a future in the Phantom of the Opera business.

4. I am not sure if the American setting (accents, locales, &c.) in this ep really wasn't wholly convincing to me or if I just have a psychological block because I know it's Brits playing American?

5. Okay, the Daleks' real forms, as seen when the chief Dalek opened up, really looked like Davy Jones in the Pirates movies. I am not sure whether it's silly or kind of awesome that the Daleks are a bunch of killing machines that are secretly tiny Davy Joneses with computerized yet effete voices, but I am leaning towards "awesome."

doctor who

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