O world, world, world, thus is the poor agent despised

Jul 17, 2007 22:50

angevin2: most of the production was v good though
angevin2: it had prince hal in head-to-toe black leather
angevin2: and that's hot
angevin2: (actually it had henry iv and his entire court in head-to-toe black leather, but hal looked best in it)
sinnocenti: augh wtf why doesn't mac have eths and thorns? *cries*
sinnocenti: hal would look good in black leather
angevin2: he DID :D
angevin2: most of the court looked pretty good, actually
sinnocenti: hal could make black leather WORK
angevin2: except for the younger princes whose wigs didn't fit right ;)
angevin2: (this production in general had mad mad hair, except for hal, and actually hotspur, who was bald)
angevin2: but everybody else had insane amounts of hair. especially the elder percies
angevin2: and the tavern people
angevin2: they could all have assembled onstage and sang the title song from "hair." that would have been awesome ;)
angevin2: (westmoreland had long white hair and with the black leather and all he looked very much like lucius malfoy. all he needed was a pimp cane. because, really, westmoreland TOTALLY needs a pimp cane)
sinnocenti: HE SO DOES
angevin2: when i direct the henry ivs, as someday i totally will, westmoreland WILL HAVE A PIMP CANE
angevin2: (you know who else could plausibly have a pimp cane? warwick the kingmaker)
angevin2: ISN'T IT?
sinnocenti: esp. since he pimps his daughters creepily.
angevin2: YEAH
angevin2: ...well, it's medieval europe, that's what daughters are for apparently, but yeah. also warwick does it very overtly onstage
sinnocenti: now i see warwick wearing purple velvet and hitting henry vi with a pimp cane.
angevin2: he's all "hey, why don't you marry my daughter?" "okay!" the other person says
angevin2: ...oh dear lord
angevin2: my sister's opinion about warwick is that
angevin2: he should always be played by a short actor and be better dressed than anyone else onstage
angevin2: ;)
sinnocenti: seriously, he's all, "hey, ed, marry my daughter. oh, hey, clarence, marry my other daughter!"
sinnocenti: omg i agree with your sister
angevin2: in fact, CLARENCE iirc brings it up first. "i know, i'll marry warwick's daughter! because he's a big pimp" ;)
angevin2: my sister is v clever about these things
sinnocenti: he obviously knows warwick's girls are on the market bow chicka bow bow.
angevin2: (also, i'm totally going to post this ;)
angevin2: because i am laughing like a complete lunatic
sinnocenti: me too
angevin2: it's hard out there for a kingmaker!
sinnocenti: also, warwick should have a purple fedora with a bigass phesant feather or something.
angevin2: *laughs and laughs*
sinnocenti: yeah, he had to fund his kingmaking somehow!
sinnocenti: what else are daughters for?

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)

The production of Henry IV referred to, incidentally, is this one, which contains more details about the black leather, mad hair, and lack of pimp canes.

henry vi, silliness, henry iv

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