Something of a Christmas present...

Dec 25, 2003 19:24

...for those of you who are fond of Lord of the Rings (i.e. lots of you), the Who (very few of you whom I know to read my LJ), or filk in general. It's the second installment of my twisted little filk opera Frodo, based on the Who's Tommy.

More background can be found in part one. Please note that both parts contain SPOILERS for LotR, albeit only for Fellowship thus far. Purists may also note that I've sort of smushed together the book and movie versions of things, depending on what scans better. ;)

Anyway, on to the filk!


Did you ever see the faces of the halflings
They get so affrighted
Setting off from Hobbiton just days before the Lidless Eye's ignited
They believe in food and cheer, a simple life and heaven's generosity
Drinking at the inn and taking walks and telling tales in curiosity

And Frodo doesn't know what he's bearing now
He doesn't know the power that he is wearing now
How can we be saved
From the dawnless day?

Surrounded by his friends he walks so carelessly and unaware of anything
Dancing on the table, singing songs and drinking ale and telling everything
I believe in hope but every day the Ring endures that hope is dwindled
Only if it perishes can hearts in Middle-earth be new rekindled

And Frodo doesn't know what he's bearing now
Yeah, he doesn't know the power that he is wearing now
How can we be saved
From the dawnless day?

Gandalf, are you coming?
Gandalf, are you coming?
Gandalf, are you coming?
Gandalf, are you coming?
Gandalf, are you coming?
Are you coming?

How can we be saved?

Take me, bear me, use me, wear me...
Take me, bear me, use me, wear me...

STRIDER: Frodo, can you hear me?

SAM: Frodo, can you hear me?

MERRY: Frodo, can you hear me?

PIPPIN: Frodo, can you hear me?

STRIDER: Frodo, can you hear me?

Can you, can you, can you hear me?

How can we be saved?

Did you ever see the faces of the halflings
They get so affrighted
Setting off from Hobbiton just days before the Lidless Eye's ignited
They believe in food and cheer, a simple life and heaven's generosity
Drinking at the inn and taking walks and telling tales in curiosity

And Frodo doesn't know what he's bearing now
Yeah, he doesn't know the power that he is wearing now
How can we be saved
From the dawnless day?


So you are here, Gandalf
It's so queer, Gandalf
That now you have sought my aid,
Which is hardly your usual way!
You wander the lands;
Nothing's out of your hands
Even if you've got nothing to say.

Did I know that the Nine are in flight?
Would I help with the Ringbearer's plight?
How long have you known
That the Nazgul have flown
While you kept it from Saruman the White?

What would you say if I said that the Elves
Are fading away -- now it's time for ourselves!
How would you feel if we got us a Ring?
Just say where to find it, and make me the king!
I'm the White Wizard,
The wisest of the wise,
The boldest enchanter to ever arise;
I will stagger your senses and dazzle your eyes!

So you are here, Gandalf
It's so queer, Gandalf
That now you have sought my aid,
Which is hardly your usual way!
You wander the lands;
Nothing's out of your hands
Even if you've got nothing to say.

It's the time for dominion of Men,
And I don't need to say it again --
They'll need someone with wit;
You and I can be it
If the Ring to our will we can bend.

Maybe the insolent Gandalf the Grey
Should learn not to get in the great Ring-lord's way!
Now since you stand in the path of my power,
I'll leave you to rot on the top of this tower...
I'm the White Wizard,
The wisest of the wise,
The boldest enchanter to ever arise;
I will stagger your senses and dazzle your eyes!


Now you've got a ring that isn't yours;
It's time to put things right.
Our master wants it back, you know,
He'll have it back tonight!

I'm the Ringwraith!
The Nazgul King!
Beware my poisoned dart!
The Witch-king!
We'll have the Ring
And tear your soul apart!

Put on the Ring, give it up,
Surrender to its will.
Your blade can do no harm to me;
Mine does more than kill.

I'm the Ringwraith!
The Nazgul King!
Beware my poisoned dart!
The Witch-king!
We'll have the Ring
And tear your soul apart!

We'll bear you away beyond the dark,
And there you'll long to die
When with your shriveled, broken mind
You face the Lidless Eye!

He's felt my blade,
Now look at him:
He won't be long alive --
His head it shakes,
His fingers clutch,
Watch his body writhe!
I'm the Ringwraith!
The Nazgul King!
Beware my poisoned dart!
I'm the Witch-king!
We'll have the Ring
And break your little heart!

Now you've got a ring that isn't yours;
It's time to put things right.
Our master wants it back, you know,
He'll have it back tonight!

I'm the Ringwraith!
The Nazgul King!
Beware my poisoned dart!
The Witch-king!
We'll have the Ring
And tear your soul apart!



Strider drives away the Nazgul, but it's too late for Frodo, who's been stabbed by a Morgul-knife. They determine that Frodo must be healed in Rivendell, and resume their journey, aided by a cute but otherwise plot-unimportant Elf named Glorfindel. At Rivendell, Frodo is healed by the Elvish loremaster Elrond and then reunited with his friends, Bilbo, and Gandalf, but he has more hardships in store...


Do you think it's all right
To send the hobbit on this journey?
Do you think it's all right?
He's suffering and weary tonight.
Do you think it's all right?

Yes, I think it's all right,
I think it's all right.


(As the Fellowship sets out, they are followed by an unknown, unwanted presence.)

I'm the creature they call Gollum
And you'll never see or hear me as I'm
Sneaking about
Sneaking about
Sneaking about

You see, the Baggins stole my Precious
He's a nasty tricksy hobbit
Sneaking about
Sneaking about
Sneaking about

Down with the Baggins!
Up with the Precious!
Sneaking about
Sneaking about
Sneaking about

Sneaking about
Sneaking about
Sneaking about

They won't shout
'Cause I'm sneaking about
Sneaking about
Sneaking about
Sneaking about
(repeat many times)
Sneaking, sneaking, sneaking! (repeat many more times)

Okay, it ends at rather an abrupt point. But the next song's a really tough nut to crack, being really famous and stuff...

screwy "tommy" filk, filk, tolkien

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