I had an eye exam today and now my eyes feel all icky and tired from having been full of those horrible eye drops they put in to make your pupils dilate.
I hate going to the eye doctor. I sit there and think of King Lear the whole time.
The doctor kept telling me I have beautiful eyes, and that I would also be a wonderful candidate for cataract surgery, which is not really a reassuring thing to hear, although apparently she meant that I would be if I needed it, not that I necessarily would. But still.
But what I wanted to show you actually was a rather amusing typo from the section of England's Heroicall Epistles I've been transcribing this evening (I am still working on that; I just haven't had time lately because of graaaaading). It will probably go up tomorrow.
Also, the other day someone said something clever in the TA office and someone else said "This is probably going up on Lea's blog right now."
"How do you know about my blog?" I said.
"We all know about your blog," he said.
I hope he was just trying to mess with my head. Now I'm all paranoid and stuff.
*glances shiftily about*
Because I don't want my colleagues to know I'm boring and weird! I mean, not like they don't know that anyway.