in which Our Heroine is pressed into the service of alumnae nostalgia

May 06, 2007 00:38

So I was talking, as one does, to garpu about some of the atrocities committed in the name of choir dress design, and decided to see of there were any pictures online of the really quite nice dresses my choir got right before my senior year at Michigan.

Turns out there are, but actually what I wanted to post about is the media gallery page on the website: you see the picture next to the two sample tracks? That's me in the last row, sixth from the viewer's right.

I mean, you can't tell what I look like from it, except that you can kind of discern the outline of my hair, but it's the 1998 group photo, and that's definitely me.

You also can't tell how ugly the dresses were, from that picture.

photos, choirgeekery

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