help us settle something!

Jan 08, 2007 23:48

I have had this debate with both my sister and jucundushomo recently, and I find their disagreement on the topic baffling.

NB that choices of icon and music do not necessarily indicate my opinion on The Obvious Right Answer.

Poll Lea

ETA: The poll title should be "Lea's Big Book of You-Know-What Poll," but it got screwed up in the coding. Blast.

ETA: commodorified, while we're polling, would like your opinions on another very important issue that has very little to do with gay kings. (Okay, nothing at all, really. I suppose that the kid in "When I Was On Horseback" could have been on one of Richard II's Irish campaigns. Though it is very, very unlikely. ;) Richard II, incidentally, is disqualified from the running for Quintessential Gay King for being entirely too much in love with his first wife, which is great, but not particularly gay.)

pointless polls, edward ii, i love my dead gay kings, james i, stuarty things, silliness

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