in which Our Heroine once again demonstrates why she should own stock in 3M

Nov 11, 2006 18:53

So it is a chilly Saturday evening and I am bored and have no social life. My original plans, which involved making this magnificent concoction, have been thwarted on account of the phyllo dough being insufficently thawed.

Therefore, for no good reason, I am ignoring the papers I need to grade and have instead engaged in acts of dorkitude which are dorky even for me.

The whole thing, from a distance. It looks sort of like a periodic table, doesn't it? I sort of wish I hadn't said that; my brain is now attempting to concoct a Tom Lehrer takeoff to a somewhat recognizable tune.

The man whose overactive loins started the whole mess. Though the tree goes back to Edward I, mostly so I could get Edmund Earl of Kent on there.

The less busy end of the tree. For all the dynastic trouble caused by Richard II's failure to reproduce, it does make genealogy-plotting a bit easier.

Here are the troublesome and unfortunate Mortimers. They're yellow. I've colorcoded it, mostly by claims to the throne: Plantagenets are purple, unless they are a) Lancastrian, in which case they're hot pink, or b) Yorkist, in which case they're pale yellow -- hey, I didn't have red and white, so I did the best I could. French people are pale blue, Tudors are green, foreign people who aren't French are pale pink, and everyone else is bright blue (though the difference between blues doesn't show up in the photo; cf. the sticky notes marked "Enguerrand de Coucy" [upper left] and "Henry Percy" [center]).

I need to rearrange things here: the Lancastrians are all squished and I have no idea where to put Henry V's brothers. Stupid John of Gaunt and his stupid overactive loins. I just like saying "overactive loins." Heh.

The beginnings of the Yorkists. Obviously I still need to put most of them in.

Hey, you NEVER KNOW when this sort of thing might come in handy.

photos, lea's post-it fetish, edward iii's overactive loins, hath not thy rose a thorn

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