shocking developments in Shakespeare studies. film at 11.

Sep 25, 2006 20:55

From commodorified:

Dominic Dromgoole, Frank Kermode and Peter Hall shock us all greatly, and John Sutherland doesn't much care for Macbeth

I am sure I am not the only Shakespearean who reads that and goes well, obviously. (The "Not all lines in Shakespeare are great" stuff, not so much the Macbeth-bashing, because I LIKE Macbeth.) I mean, claiming that every line in Shakespeare is great is rank bardolatry of the sort that even I am unwilling to countenance.

And I, personally, want to know why the article makes no mention of "Bad men, you violate / A twofold marriage." Or "Of Hotspur, Coldspur?" Or "Shall thy old dugs once more a traitor rear?" Or any number of lines in Titus Andronicus (though perhaps to do so would be to miss the point)? Or, perhaps the greatest of all bad lines in Shakespeare:

O, would mine eyeballs were to bullets turned
That I in rage might shoot them at your faces!

I mean, that is bad in a way that is awesome.

thank you captain obvious, wtf, textual criticism, academic wank

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