what plain proceeding is more plain than this?

Jul 07, 2006 15:16

I am being simultaneously earwormed by "Vindaloo" and "The Internet Is For Porn." I am beginning to fear for my sanity.

However, this post is not just to waste your time by proclaiming the madness of having those two songs in one's head simultaneously. lblanchard linked me to this in the comments to my last post and I felt it was awesome enough that it ought not to escape the notice of the rest of you. So:

1461 manuscript genealogy of Edward IV. Much propagandistic prettiness abounds.

I have to say this is even cooler than the Hall family tree I linked last week or thereabouts. What it lacks in people with vines springing from their nether regions it makes up for in shininess. Also it's got white harts up the wazoo (dear me, I should rephrase. That sounds exceedingly uncomfortable) and this is, by my admittedly rather warped standards, a Good Thing.

Also I find it just a bit frightening that I've had a thoroughly literal reason to use this icon on two separate occasions within a couple of weeks. Not surprising, perhaps, but just a bit weird.

And now, I must take my laptop to Best Buy and see if they can do anything about the recalcitrant little thing...

edward iii's overactive loins, medieval shiny, hath not thy rose a thorn, things that are awesome, links, historiography

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