Edward the Third, my lords, had seven sons...

Jun 22, 2006 16:53

A couple of you have heard me lament, on previous occasions, the inability to find an online reproduction of the title page of Hall's Union of the Two Noble and Illustre Famelies of Lancastre and Yorke, because it is pretty and shiny and awesome and also highly propagandistic, and really, I know you have all wanted to see pictorial representations of John of Gaunt and Edmund Langley with vines springing from their nether regions. Now, I was unable to find one of these for a long time, but it turns out there is one after all, at the Furness online collection, as I should have figured out (I happened across it because I was googling for the full title, because I needed it for the diss and couldn't remember). So here is a link to it, because it is pretty. Old-fashioned family trees are much harder to read, but they are much more aesthetically pleasing.

The shiny interactive version with links to the rest of the chronicle
The .jpg version

edward iii's overactive loins, tudory things, renaissance shiny, historiography, chroniclers, research twaddle, things that are awesome, hath not thy rose a thorn, links

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