random silly stuff

Dec 02, 2005 18:07

List of Titles for Articles that Don't Exist But Really Ought To

(gleaned from the margins of my class notes)

"Flipping the Bird: Regendering the Phoenix in Early Modern Iconography"
"Sympathy for the Devil: Milton's Transformation of Marlowe's Faustus"
"Chicks With Dicks in Shakespeare's Sonnets"
"Please Do Eat the Daisies: The Consumption of the Text in Gavin Douglas' Eneados"
"I Can't Get No Satisfaction: Rock 'n' Roll as Transformation of the Renaissance Sonnet Sequence"
"Does My Ass Look Fat In This?: Representations of Cardinal Wolsey in Sixteenth-Century Literature"
"You Can't Not Be On a Boat: The Figure of the 'Stereless Ship' in Chaucer's Works"
"Tropes of Small Animals and Parental Structures in Expressions of Royal Homoeroticism"
"And After The Spanking, The Oral Sex: The Rhetoric of Eroticized Conciliation in Maidstone's Concordia" (this is my personal favorite, I must say)

All submissions welcome in the comments. ;)

sonnets, concordia, tudory things, middle scots, silliness, chaucer, research twaddle, marlowe

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