Nov 05, 2005 14:16
This is my obligatory Gunpowder Plot quadricentennial post. Remember, remember the fifth of November and all that. Truth to be told the whole thing is something I'm a bit ambivalent about in terms of commemoration, since oppression of Catholics and blowing people to tiny bits are both Bad Things, so it all ends up as kind of a wash.
Fireworks, on the other hand, are a Good Thing.
At any rate, my cable and Internet connection have marked the occasion mimetically by exploding. I'm currently at the library to check email and whatnot, and then I am going off to seek props for the Spanish Tragedy readthrough. Hopefully the repairmen will have things back in order by the time I get back. No TV and no internet make Lea...something something.
(Actually they ruin Lea's best-laid plans for slacking off. If I have a functional computer and no internet, I might actually have to do work! Perish the thought.)
computer shit,
stuarty things,