there be moe wasps that buzz about his nose will make this sting the sooner

May 19, 2005 15:18

In the past couple of days a hideous unidentified thing has materialized in the bushes outside my front door.

There are actually two of them -- the other one is precisely the size, shape, and color of a hamburger bun. This is all particularly unsettling as this afternoon I saw a BIG HIDEOUS WASP hovering around the aforesaid front door and I suspect that the hideous unidentified thing may be harboring it.

*curls up in a ball and wibbles*

Of course, if I'm being stupid and wasps don't make their nests on the ground -- or rather in big piles of woodchips and dirt which are basically on the ground -- I'd very much like to know.

unspeakable vileness

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