tumblentesque simul ricoso ex kitchine boyos

Apr 29, 2005 15:48

I was going to post a link to the one online version of Polemo-Middinia I found (as mentioned in the previous post), but on further review, besides the censorship of some lines, it's really just not a very good text, with lots of weird variants. I'll have to transcribe it later.

Last night I had a very odd and anachronism-filled dream about watching baseball in Scotland with James VI. Curiously, one of the baseball players was Faramir. At the end of the game there was a riot in the stands and everybody in the royal box had to flee the stadium.

I'm not sure I want to know how my subconscious came up with that. It was actually pretty amusing though.

I've decided I don't mind so much that it's been cold and rainy all week. It's actually sort of comforting, in the sense that it's weather in which to stay in bed, even though I don't have the leisure to actually do that. Plus it's better weather for thinking.

(Except I'm not sure the heat in my apartment is working properly. It's terribly chilly in here.)

james i, dreams

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