REVIEW: Cry Murder! in a Small Voice, Greer Gilman

Sep 11, 2013 03:30

Greer Gilman's Cry Murder! in a Small Voice (Small Beer Press, 2013) doesn't obey the unities.

This would have vexed its protagonist, poet-playwright-cum-private investigator Ben Jonson, whose narrative voice (like that of the real thing) is frequently driven by irritation with the world around him and especially with people who just don't ( Read more... )

reviews, ben jonson, things that are awesome

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Comments 9

nineweaving September 11 2013, 16:21:23 UTC
Thank you. That is the story that I hoped I'd written. I wanted to do justice to Ben and his world of poets and players.

The sequel is a thriller, involving Inigo Jones, Queen Mab, Kit Marlowe's ghost, and the succession.



angevin2 September 12 2013, 03:59:30 UTC
Thank you for writing it! It was splendid. And the sequel sounds SO MUCH FUN.


nineweaving September 12 2013, 04:27:29 UTC
I hope so!



(The comment has been removed)

angevin2 September 12 2013, 04:01:43 UTC
It is out! It was just released recently -- they just haven't updated the website properly, so it's still listed as forthcoming. Anyway, it's well worth the ten bucks. :)


tempestsarekind September 11 2013, 22:25:46 UTC
Greer Gilman's Cry Murder! in aSmall Voice (Small Beer Press, 2013) doesn't obey the unities.


Thanks for this review; you've definitely sold the book to me (especially as someone who always *wants* to like books set in this period, but then gives up on them thirty pages in because the language or the characters' mindsets start to grate).


angevin2 September 12 2013, 04:00:15 UTC
Oh, you should definitely read it! I think it's the sort of thing that's right up your alley (you're interested in boy players, right?)


tempestsarekind September 12 2013, 04:31:18 UTC
Ha ha ha, am I interested in boy players, she says. :) How very *much* am I interested in boy players, that's the real question!


angevin2 September 12 2013, 04:48:03 UTC
Yay, my memory is correct! Because when I read it one of my initial reactions was "OMG tempestsarekind would LOVE THIS."


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