is it just me or

Nov 21, 2012 00:43

Are this year's Bad Sex Award finalists (link obviously nsfw) awfully disappointing? Like, one of them really just made me hungry for pudding. Actual pudding, I hasten to add (although it's British so probably a Bakewell pudding isn't what I'm picturing when I see the word "pudding," and also, the word "pudding" has just grown completely meaningless through repetition). Possibly fanfic has just spoiled me for terrible descriptions of sex.

That said, I am predicting Tom Wolfe as the winner for crimes against metaphordom and the phrase "generative jockey," although Sam Mills is a worthy contender, because I'm not sure what's going on in that paragraph but it doesn't sound at all comfortable.

dirtybadwrong, demonstrations of outstanding maturity, links

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