though banished, yet a trueborn Englishman

May 29, 2012 01:04


I have been really bad at actually watching the Globe to Globe productions after having a screaming fit of glee about them on lj, because they always seem to vanish before I have a chance -- but I knew I didn't want to miss Ashtar Theatre's production of Richard II in Palestinian Arabic: I wouldn't have anyway, but it even got a glowing review from non-Richard-fan kerrypolka, so I knew it was going to be mindblowing. And guess what: IT TOTALLY WAS. Seriously GO WATCH IT ASAP -- it is available here for a few more days (I am planning to watch again on Wednesday for a patented Thinky Shakespeare Post), and it's really good even just taped for internet viewing; I can only imagine how good it must have been in person. Sami Metwasi is one of the best Richards I've ever seen (and while I'm less picky about productions than one might think, that is high praise coming from me ;) )

The one slight caveat is that if you don't speak Arabic (I don't, myself) and don't know the play going in it might be a bit tough to follow -- there are subtitles, but they are sporadic and don't always seem to be quite the right bits of the text. But if you do speak Arabic and/or are familiar with Richard II (and if you're not, you could get familiar with it, an option I always recommend) then definitely go watch this production. Because it is awesome.

lea's compulsive ricardianism, go look at this thing, richard ii, globe, other people's reviews, things that are awesome

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