Apr 11, 2012 01:34
I moot go walke the wode so wilde
Anon. English, 15th century
I moot go walke the wode so wilde,
And wandren heer and ther
In drede and deedly fere;
For wher I trusted I am bigiled,
And al for oon.
Thus am I banysshed from my blisse
By craft and fals pretence,
Fautles wythoute offence;
As of retourne no certeyn is,
And al for fere of oon.
My bed shal be under the grene-wode tree,
A toft of brakes under myn hed,
As oon from joye were fled;
Thus from my lyf day by day I flee,
And al for oon.
The rennyng stremes shullen be my drynke,
Accornes shullen be my fode;
No-thyng may do me good
But whan of thy beautee I do thenke --
And al for love of oon.
poetry: 15th century,
national poetry month 2012,
poetry: middle english,