
Mar 14, 2007 21:43

I have not posted much here recently, have I? Don't have too much of an excuse, but, for the sake of sorting these things out into nice, neat little boxed, I'll be listing my excuses anyways.

Excuses for Neglect of Livejournal:

No. 1 : Warcrap.

Yes, this thing really does eat your life. Just say no, kiddies; it's almost as bad as drugs. But seriously, most of the reason I've been on it so much has been my guild, which I may have babbled about earlier.

Quite simply put: My Guild Rocks. I officially love battleground PvP and being a twink is so damn much fun. Too bad I'm in the middle of bracket jumping... >.> Ah well, got my nice shiny new twinkin' crossbow at least. And some new pig-sticker daggers. =] Literally, pig-stickers. They come with what amounts to a pre-installed beastslaying enchant which i could layer even more enchants on top of. Still a few lvls away from my Pants (which caused me to sell my soul to a guildmate's alt so I could borrow 14g and snag 'em as soon as they went on the AH >.>;) but I am pleased to say that I had a rogue go "OMGwherethefuckdidyougetthose?/drool" over them(basically, he wasn't quite so coherent ^^;).

Speaking of selling my soul... while ago Guild Master and I were helping one of the lower lvls grind up in Ghostlands (the lower lvl who helped me buy my Pants, actually. They outlvled me sometime between now and last week) and the conversation somehow came around to how it's sad that there aren't any nerd chicks around. To which I promptly replied (with appropriate good humor) that I was, in fact, a nerd chick. GM was greatly amused and after having a three-way lifestory swap and a number of blonde moments the other guy and I had an emote-flirt fest. Said flirt-fest has since extended quite some time.

(The really, piss-ass funny thing about this is that we have gender-bending toons: he's a female blood elf pally (who TOTALLY kicks ass as a tank in Scarlet Monastary, btw) and I'm a (very gay) male blood elf hunter. It totally confuses the hell outta our guildmates. :} )

I have recently informed my guild of the Very, Very Fruity status of all blood elf males. One of the guys was absolutely horrified to discover this when I told him about the hair-obsessing flirt and all of us who were online then had a damn good laugh at the entire spectacle. Most of the guild is pretty open with real-life stuff (hell, the entire idea was cooked up by GM and one of his rl friends) so all of the more regular members know something or the other about each other; one has two and a half roommates and over a dozen gaming systems, one shares an account with his sis (so when one is off the other is on, they're both in the guild), I think one lives in Europe though I don't know how in the seven hells that works..

No. 2 : Object Lesson Part 2: Implied Force

Much less fun than the Object Lesson in drawing. >.> I Do Not Like having to work on a small scale with limited suplies of a particular color of cardboard. I especially Do Not Like having to glue things together in places that would normally require two pairs of tweezers to even reach, let alone apply Mod Podge.

...I really, really should have brought the brush part of the set with me. Just so I could stick 'em all together and be motivated.

No. 3 : Werk. :P

Yes, shocking *resists desire to make a bad Larxene joke*. It seriously cuts into my internet time on weekends. But, then again, that internet time would likely be devoted to Warcrap in any case (see long rant-like thing above).

On the plus side, I got my first, measly little pay check. Now I feel a lot less guilty about going to Cactus Records last week. I bought another R.E.M. album (I seem to be going through an R.E.M. phase involving all but the first album of theirs I heard), Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon soundtrack (because it was there *bricked* X_x) and... I swear there's one morebutit'snotinfrontofmeandIcan'trememberit. u.u *shaaaaaaame*

So why am I posting this now? Because I'm in my grandparent's new house (helping them move, sorta... I don't think I'm doing much work...) and I can sorta-kinda mooch off an un-locked wireless conncetion around here. It's not stable enough for me to try hooking up to Warcraft on otherwise I'd be doing that. Instead, I'm doing this and puttering about on a very weak, starved WillxJack kick (a very, very difficult kick to keep alive, I must say). It would be a resurgence of my Jak kick but I brough the wrong memory card and ended up playing Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage again. ^-^ Taking me a bit to get the hang of the controls again but I still love this game.

[energy: been about 4/10 since I got up. Grandma thinks I should go see if I'm anemic or something, because there's a chance I might be]
[hunger: mmmm... bagles]
[boredom: why is there this tendancy to never do anything majorly AU in the PotC fandom? wry I say! =/ ]
[misc: my neck hurts... using laptops as actual 'lap-tops' sucks]
[misc 2: have promised to introduce grandmother properly to wonders of heavy metal cellos, heard them on the classical music program on the radio the other day, was very amused]
[misc 3: ...Dude, Where's My Ring? XD]
[misc 4: only those who have read that fic have any chance of getting this]
[misc 5: ...panties!!! *snickers quietly in corner*]

warcrap, family, werk, blank

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