I need another alarm clock

Nov 20, 2006 14:07

Because this one just isn't waking me up! This brings my grand total of classes missed/slept through to two! Which I really, really Do Not LIKE. Because I am somewhat anal about attendance, even if I didn't like the class and I actually enjoy my history class. -.-#

Anywhoo, am going to aunt's house later for tie-dying marathon. Should be interesting. And I have yet to decide which colors would be kindest to nii-san in the way of shirts. This is a dilema... =/

And have finally gone and done some serious PvP-ing in WoW. And, for the record, there is one fact that stood out and demanded attention within the first 10 seconds.

Ahem... The Alliance Sucks At This.

No, seriously, they do. I did 11 rounds in Warsong Gulch on my ally character and we won twice. And mostly due to the fact that the horde could just walk into our base and take our flag because I was usually the only person who thought defense was important. I yelled at people a lot for this. And it occasionally payed off. But mostly everyone was to busy with their highly disorganized offense to bother. -.-;

Took another shot at trying to write this J&D oneshot that's been bouncin' around in my head lately. Think I just might be making progress...

[boredom: unknown]
[energy: 12 hours of sleep's worth of it, a la me attempting to kick my internal clock back onto civilized time]
[fangirlishness: neutral]
[hunger: nil, just has brunch (lunch as breakfast)]

j&d, video games, blank, college

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