(no subject)

Nov 06, 2006 10:03

I want to listen to this song, but I don't have it... this is upsetting. ; __ ; It is very strange when there is a song I greatly like and it starts playing in my head (in full orchestral format, no less) and I cannot play it on my comp to match my brain. Strange and distressing...

*hums and semi-sings song*

Anywhooo... I woke up this morning singin Painkillers are a girl's best friend to myself because The Curse has descended upon me and painkillers have been consumed. Also, my mother randomly called me at 3:00 in teh morning today to ask me how my talk with Goldilocks went (from last time she called) and to say that they were all going out kareoke-ing that night, which caused me to become pouty and envious. And I got to talk to Salman a bit.

The most distressing thing about this conversation was that it was 3:00 am, my mother had called and woken me up for no valid reason and I was not in control of my brain cells enough to curse at her even once! This was a wasted oportunity!

Anywhoo, tomorrow is voting day and I plan on voting (on the major issues at least, if not the local ones because I don't know enough about them to make any kind of descision) but I have to work in the morning because the regular staff gets the day off. There is no school that day though, so no evil!Caleb on Tuesday! =D

...I need to make a cabbage icon.

[energy: unknown/possible]
[fangirlism:5/10 FF8, KKM, J&D & possibly others that I just don't know about]
[boredom: 2/10 I want to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. sleep isn't boring...]

Very Very Random: I had a very strange dream a few nights ago. In it I was some sort of messianic figure in relation to John and Rachel McGaw who, as near as I can make out, seemed to be living in a slum that looked like a little piece of Chintal Bustee picked up and dropped in the middle of Paris. o.o I shall not elaborate, because my subconscious was being especially weird that night, but when I saw John he was in the company of a random asian person who seemed to be a friend of his and I randomly intorduced myself by saying "Hi, I'm a friend of John's who he probably has never mentioned because he hated me when we were kids." at which John gave me a 'look' and then my alarm went off and I woke up. About two second before this I had 'rescued' Rachel... I think... so I was for some reason or another carrying her around.

...my subconcious is whacked. And possibly high on magic mushrooms. I know Brigs was growing some in his planter a couple months ago... >.>; Anyone else here whose muse uses the dead parts of their brain as fertilizer for halucinogenic fungi?

blank, wtf, music, mom

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