best weekend in a long while

Aug 05, 2006 22:25

So, grandparents have been down at Redlodge for a highschool reunion this weekend so I've been rooming with my aunt and uncle in their dog and cat -fur infested house (which is really an awesome house which I could happily spend a couple hours verbally describing) since about noon on Saturday. Anywhoo, list of my weekend's activities in something resembling chronological order:

Saturday, 8:30 am
-wake up, drag self out of bed, feast on half a bagel and leftover coffee

8:50 am
-Patty comes in front door complaining about bank not being open. Local sweet pea festival is mocked (she refers to it as 'sweat pee'). Bagel and coffee are finished. Backpack is stuffed with odd sundry items including walkman, sketchbook and tie-dye tanktop purchased at farmer's market last week.

9:00 am
-depart house in dog-fuzz-filled car. make stop at bank before heading to antique show to troll for penguin-related artifacts

sometime between 9:00 am and noon
-depart antique show in company of penguin cookie jar and various asorted  moose-motif garden ornaments (after staying at one stall for at least 15 minutes and fawning over the indian/oriental statuets on display and for sale; there was a lovely little depressed baby dragon (apparently solid silver), a number of chinese dogs and a marvelous stonework bull as well as two Ganeshas, one Siva and assorted Buddhas)
-grocery shopping at Albertsons
-more grocery shopping at Costco, at which place were located one wonderful pair of Board Shorts (cue fangirlish squeals of delight, thoughts of Zell (ff8) and molestation of Board Shorts display) and an equally wonderful pair of Swimming Trunks. The Board Shorts are white with grey markings and ice blue hibiscus print. The Swimming Trunks are black with white, yellow, orange and red highlighting the sides. Pictures will be made available in due time (ie: when I get off may ass and find a camera to molest)
-stopped at Taco John's to get lunch.

from noon till Bob Only Knows When
-arrived at Patty and Keith's house. Was assaulted by Poohfus and Zizzou (Pooh and Zizzer, my aunt's keshounds).
-Went upstairs to pruse video collection. Came out with Fantasia, Robin Hood: Men in Tights,  Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Princess Bride, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstien and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the last four of which have not yet been watched).
-helped Patty set out the 1000 piece dragon-shaped jigsaw puzzle she wanted my help with once I finished watching my movies.
-sat down and watched Fantasia.


Dear Sweet God it's been so long since I saw that thing last! I was completely and totaly entranced by the Nutcracker Suite and Dance of the Hours and totally miserable and scared during parts of the Rite of Spring. ;_; I was always miserable for parts of that one. And the Sorcerors Apprentice... still that same weird half-scared-half-jaded feeling as always... that one is really strange for me. It's scary in the same way Alice in Wonderland is scary for a six-year old. *sighs* So many memories... I'm going to have to watch it again sometime this week...

And this is not to mention Night on Bald Mountain and Ave Maria, god... so many ideas I was thinking watching those parts... *grins* and I was even remembering that the devil from Bald Mountain has that sort of sub-boss role in KH. And this time I really felt Ave Maria, I think it was the first time that part has ever really sunk in and it was so beautiful...

So many things you see as a kid you don't appreciate untill you get older...

-End Interlude-

-spent pretty much the rest of the day working on the dragon puzzle, mostly by myself, then watched some TV with Patty & Keith, had dinner, then some more puzzle work, this time with Patty. Got it almost completely done (went from 15% to about 75%, Patty had already done most of the easy bits with Linsey while she was visiting with Gail).

about 11:00 pm
-remembered that had said would chat with cajun about D&D. went off and did that for about an hour and a half or so before going to bed.

Sunday, about 9;30 or so...
-woke up, had breakfast w/ P&K in front of TV upstairs while fending off dogs. breakfast consisted of 1 cup strawberry yogurt, half dozen pieces of bacon & 2 scrambled eggs.

about 10:00 am 'till noon
-did some more work on puzzle, finished it up by about noon. had snack-like meal consiting of roast beef slices, pastrami & grated cheddar cheese.

rest of the day
-spent rest of day watching TV with P (& sometimes K). saw a few strange retro-esque movies, watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail, took break to introduce Patty to The Ultimate Showdown and the Llama Song, then went back and watched Robin Hood: Men in Tights (gods, I want that soundtrack! XD). rest of day deteriorated into being plyed with alcohol (cranberry-flavoured concoctioion based mostly on vodka), aimless talking out on the porch and peeling garlic cloves with Patty while watching Sleepy Hollow (yet another Johnny Depp movie! And it was pretty good, I think. Tim Burton did a great job with it and it had a very nice creepy-old-fairy-tale quality to it; it didn't feel like it could have really, really happened but that didn't matter because it was a scary old ghost story! And I finally realised that the only real way to distinguish Johnny Depp is by his facial expressions, which are wonderfully charicteristic)

Anywhoo... I'll probably still be here untill later tomorrow (yay! I can watch the rest of those movies!! been so long since I've seen Princess Bride... ^^) but, since I just noticed that Patty has a scanner in here... I'll probably be comming back to take advantage of it.

Oh, and Donraj, if you could give me a general, reasonably detailed overview of this D&D universe you're planning (regions, landmasses, racial relations and general climate types and geography would be nice) I'd have lots more raw material for backstory concoction... and I'm basically curious about all the nitty gritty details. :}

[boredom: 0/10 (I love this house!)]
[sanity: 9.7/10 (Fantasia is sanity therapy *sighs happily as vison of hippos and corocodiles dance in her head*)]
[stress: 0/10 (it's a miracle!!)]
[hunger: 2/10 (hmmm... still have part of a burrito in the fridge...)]
[fangirlism: 8/10 (and almost all of it directed at D*sney)]

family, blank, movies, music

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