the usual Sunday madness...

Feb 06, 2006 01:40

Good hash this week. It wasn't at the place it was supposed to be at but it was good anyways. We had it at a farmhouse (ie: Indian version of a summer house) and the place was really nice, all made of mud and cow shit and it looked like some place made up just so foreigners could stay tehre and feel all mystical at it's local-ness. And it was nice and cool inside. :)

Aaanyways, the run was actually a live-hare run this time, which I don't think I've hardly ever been on, and it was really short and easy. Lots of check points. But a nice easy run, lots of trees and shade and good scenery.

Circle wasn't too bad either, got to make fun of technicatities.

After was even better, we went down teh road a ways and all stopped at a dhaba for dinner. It was awesome! Endless plates of chicken and naan and it was soo tasty! *love for the punjabis for bringing us the dhaba*

And, best of all, someone asked what paneer was and I told them it was Indian tofu. XD Mike says it's the first time he's ever heard anyone explain is and make sense.

So... I finally gave in and started looking for Jak fanart. o.o Amazing, how much I found in like, three hours.

So, more fuel for my Jak-high.

Which incidentally, has met my music obsession.

And they had a hot, steamy affair resulting in five illegitimate children.

XD I love it when my metaphors run away with me.

Another result of the fanart-binge was that I was overrun with het fluff that I could not possibly ignore. -.- The world is ending.

Timmy, ages and ages ago, you asked if there were any het pairings I actually supported/liked. I've found 'em.

*looks out window* There should be a bunch of plagues or natural disasters or something with a scythe out there.

EDIT: Dutch girl is here now...

[Advent Children = ...stupid english language for not having cool enough words]
[Last Order = see above statement]
[New Life goals: get/play FF8 & Jak X]
[Chris Martin = Worlds Sexiest Vegetarian XD]

j&d, hash, music

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