No More Demon Llamas!! [Edition 2!]

Jan 31, 2006 19:46

Ha!! I have my internet connection back!!! And lots of good things have happened as well, which I shall talk about later, but first...

Happy Belated Chinese New Year! And it's the year of the Dog too, which means when I finally get around to browsing dA I will probably find a bumper crop of anthro dog-boys. XD

Dad got back a day late, and he didn't manage to pick up a copy of FF8 but he did bring me back a graphics tablet. ^________^ It's pretty and shiny and I've named it Isabelle. I've been practicing with it for a couple days and I think I might be gatting the hang of it....

Saddly enough, I have next to no art-related inspiration at the moment so I've mostly been using it as a fancy mousepad since my regular mouse has dirt in the buttons and doesn't click properly for me.

Game Status: I have now officially completed the entier Jak series. It only took me four hours and four different tricks to finally beat teh last boss in Jak II... comparatively speaking the last boss in Jak 3 is a breeze. *shrugs* Also a number of my plot bunnies spontaneously combusted and only a couple new ones came up to raplace them.

The Hash this weekend was great! It was Aliya's birthday so we had an after-party at her house, but more on that later. Reggie, Sheraz and I accidentally missed the water stop and we got back to Aliya's place almost before the water car. And when we did get back we discovered that Aliya and my mom (who came back in the car) had seen a couple foreigners walking along teh road and 'kidnapped' them and brought them back to Aliya's place. XD The circle was fun, as usual, and I had my first taste of arrak (not sure how you spell it...) which is like the Indian version of everclear except it tastes like liquid licorice. XP Yech. *hates licorice*

Aaanyways, eventually we got to teh party part of it. There was food (including two lemon pies and an amazing chocolate cake that Aliya thought she'd ruined by using bad coaco powder but everyone else thought was great), drinks (I made a pyramid out of beer bottle caps XD my masterpiece!) and Mike has a huuuge collection of Elvis music and the like. XD I was ready to pass out around 9 but I didn't leave untill like 11:30, and most of the time in between was spent dancing so you can imagine I was tired by the end. A-and... I suspect Mike has taken it upon himself to try playing matchmaker for me *suspicious*. Either way, it was fun. More ufn than the week before because it was better music and I didn't have to clean up afterwards. :p

[AC status: working on downloading program as we speak]
[*evil laugh* I have converted someone to the cult of games and anime! Bwahaha!]
[I'm going out for kareoke tonight. *boogies down*]

video games, hash, blank, art

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