Where the buffalo wings roam...

Nov 03, 2005 02:16

Fwee... likely to be my last post for a while, flying to Montana to visit grandparents for a month and there's a strong chance that I'll abandon my internet life aside from fanfiction and e-mail. *sighs* Ah well, at least there's a good chance i'llf inally sit down and write something during the plane ride.

Bah. The lj 'Truth or Dare' can wait untill I get back. -.- Not like I'd answer any of 'em right now anyways.

[fangirling] KYAAAA!!! I saw the FF:AC trailer that was released for the psp and ohmygawdohmygawdkyaaaaaa!!! XD Sephisephisephisephi!!! And I even downloaded this awesome tech demo for the ps3 and it was the opening sequence of ff7 and ohmygodClousoSEXAY!!!GodIhopetheydoaremake!!! *faints from overstimulation* [/fangirling]

Erm... *cough* No, I still haven't seen the bloody movie yet, don't think that's not gonna change once I get withing appropriate distance of a movie theater. :]

Aaaaand, just finished reading a lovely little *coughyeahrightcough* ff8 AU fanfic by sukunami. *sighs happily and grins* Yay for random ff7 refferences. XD I swear, that woman is such an awesome writer, I know for a fact that I'll be going through the rest of her archive while I'm at my grandparents house.

[shameless advertising] The fic was 'Blind Sight' and she only has it on her website, which can be accessed from her ff.net account. Go read it if you find SeiferxSquall in any way acceptable. [/shameless advertising :3]

Speaking of ff8, I'm going to make an earnest attempt to hunt down a copy for the ps while I'm in the US, seeing as how I'm already so immersed in the fandom... and I just wanna see if Seifer really does call Zell 'chickenwuss' all the time. May pick up a ps compatible copy of ff7 while I'm at it.

*grins* I also just found out that I've got the equivalent of US $115 saved up from being a miser this summer. Go me! XD Plus the money from last christmas, it's quite a heap.

Random Quizz!!! (stolen from Timmy and Little Leila)

This Is My Life, RatedLife:







4.5Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Hehehe... muchly amused by 'love life' and very proud of 'mind' and 'body'.

[dA inbox: haven't checked, going to disable soon]
[current major fandoms: ff8, ff7]
[current bishies: Seifer, Squall, Zell (not really bishie, but cute nonetheless ^-^)]
[hours untill departure: erm... less than 18]
[packing progress: 75%, just need to have some clothes washed and then can be all finished]
[things that must be done: buy blank CDs to fill up with music and fanfics for re-reading]
[other: hopetheyremakeff7hopetheyremakeff7hopetheyremakeff7... what, a girl can hope <.<; ]

*grumbles and curses at lj's bitchiness about coding and bad habit of rejecting HTML while in rich text mode*

meme/quiz, fanfiction, ff7, ff8, trip

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