
Oct 07, 2005 15:50

Rich text mode is working nicely again. =)

Bah. Not-so-good week... on Sunday the TV crapped out. One of the chips must have gotten fried or something, cause now the picture is in shades of purple and the channel numbers formerly in bright yellow) are in black. So yeah... couldn't use the TV at all and am still not able to (and right when I'm getting a ginormous KH vibe too!!)

And yes, that very same day, my period started. And there was only one brufin in teh entier house.

Joy. -_-;

And the best part was that within two hours of teh TV going bonkers, the modem wonked out too. So I couldn't even complain about this crap untill now (the modem decided to spontaneously be nice to me).

Bah. So, in short, all I have had to amuse myself at home with is Sims2 and Sims2 Body Shop, which was actually a lot of fun for the first four days. *grins* I made TURKS sims. XD Or, I've got them mostly made.  Reno is as done as he'll be, bar some minor fine-tuning of the face (he's still lacking his ponytail, bangs and sunglasses... but everything else is there :D ) and I just have to make Rude his earrings... Elena is having hair and jacket issues (mainly: I can't find a decent base for either) and I've also started work on his Great and Sexy junior Shin-Ra-Ness, Rufus. :3

Yes, faaaaaar too much fun for me... and while I was at it I made pretty, mako-glowing eyes... (blue for Reno and Rufus and green in case I ever discover a way to make Seph-sama)

Erm... yah, enough happy-ranting for now... *wonders who else she could turn into a sim*

Oh, and my sort-of-semi-constant-since-grad artblock is going away... and leaving behind KH-oriented madness brought on by listeing to too much Dido...

On the subject of art, my parents are back from their trip to Rome (albeit, my dad came back five days late... I'm not sure if I've said anything about this (the trip to Rome) here) and, although my dad did find a comp accessory shop that carried graphics tablets, he found it too late at night and they were closed. *sighs* So, I still have to wait for christmas... he bought my bro and awesome Ferrari hat tho' :D and I was sworn to silence on the subject of its pricetag.

Erm... so yes, that's all for now... anyone have any sugestions for characters I might try to turn into Sims? (I might attempt Fayt... If there's an appropriate hair style I can modify somewhere...)

[dA inbox pop: haven't checked @_@]
[no. of TURKS suits created w/ Body Shop: 2.5 (can't... find... jacket... Elena... Arg!)]
[no. of KH-related doodles sitting on desk: 5]
[amount of practice needed in drawing faces: lots]

cribbing, sims, trip

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