Well well well, my pasttimes are slowly dwindling. myspace deleted my account! why would they do that? ahhh man. Now i have to start a WHOLE new one! Not that I haaave to, but what else am I gonna do at 6 in the morning at the ymca. You should all be here working out today!!! So I made mucho money last night! 125 smackaroos AFTER tip out! woohoo now i have 4 grand to put towards tuition right away! How come noone EVER wants to work for me EVER at the ymca? DAMMIT. So in a month from yesterday I start school. I think i'm moving back the 25th or so. I'm prettty excited, ready for a change i spose. OR just to be done working is more like it! But i WILL miss everyone and their mother. yup. that means kim schroeder everyone. Why the hell didn't you park at the bank BY THE WAY?! I was saddened to receive that text message. So the humidity is ridiculous and
www.weather.com just informed me that it will be a high of 92 degrees and an 87% humidity. EW. Nobody better sit outside tonight cuz last night I sweat my ASS off. I need to poop. If anyone reads this, feel bad for me and come visit. im here till 11:45 where i drive off to my next job. LOVE YOU ALL
OH and we have to plan a gurnee/ikea trip. how bout the week of the 21st? We could take two of those days?