Ya-Ya-Yah girl talk pt2 [HIKARU/SHOON]

May 04, 2008 22:03

 Hika/Shoon's part
Yabu/Taiyou's part here: http://angeru-chan.livejournal.com/9634.html

Profile: Hikaru Yaotome/12-2-90/Birthplace: Miyage/Type O/Height: 171cm/Weight: 53kg

“I want my girlfriend to call me “Hikka”!”

Q1 When was your first love? What kind of girl was she?

I fell in love with the class madonna and we went together to the cheap sweets shop.

Q2 What’s your favorite girl gesture?

That moment when she lets out a sigh when she's spaced out or after exercising.

Q3 You see a girl for the first time. Where’s the first place you look?

Eyes. Then, the corners of the mouth. I like energetic girls who are always smiling and seem cheerful.
Q4 What would you want your girlfriend to call you?

A nickname’s good. I've been called Hikka in the past so Hikka’s good!

Q5 What’s your favorite fashion for girls?

As long as it’s a rough fashion, anything’s good. I like things like jeans and a parker.

Q6 What food would you want a girl to make for you?

Seaweed salad. Then the next day, I’d praise her indirectly.

Q7 What’s something  girl does that you couldn’t forgive?

I dont especially like a girl who cant be calm. I’m no good with girls who are always being loud.

Q8 You have a fight with your girlfriend! What do you do to make up with her?

Appologize. I hate fights since I prefer a cheerful atmosphere instead.

Q9 Do you fall in love at first sight?

Nope. I will think that a girl I see is cute, but falling in love is different.

Q10 Are you the type that confesses to a girl you like?

I can but, I prefer if a girl confesses to me~. I feel superior that way (laughs).

Q12 Do you talk about love with the other members? If so, with who?

Shoon I guess. Talking with Yabu and Shoon about love is fun.

Q13 If you were a girl, which member would you go out with?

Myself. I like cars so, we’d ride in a sports car and be able to talk about the car together.

Q14 Frankly, in what kind of moments do you fall in love?

In the moment that we’re talking together and get a good tempo started. It’s best when we can talk about lots of things easily together since I hate silence.

Q15 Are you the type to pursue a relationship?

Yes, but when i do, I usually end up giving up right away.

Q16 Are you the type to get really depressed after a break up?

No, but, even though we understand each other’s feelings, if she confessed to someone else right away, I’d probably get upset.

Q17  What would you do if you and your friend fell in love with the same girl?

Target her secretly and somehow hope that my friend will give up (laughs). If we’re close friends then it’ll be ok.

Q17 It’s your girlfriend's birthday. What do u do to celebrate?

I’d want to do something surprising, like put a present inside a cake or something. Then as a present, I’d want to give her something that I made myself.

Q18 Tell us your ideal date plan!

I’d want to just walk around on the coast or some natural place with a pretty scenery. Then, we’d be talking and and laughing together nonstop.

Q19 What are the benefits of going out with Hikaru-kun?

I like natural stones so, on my girlfriend’s birthday, I’d give her her birthstone as a present.

Q20 A love message to your future girlfriend please!

Let’s run towards our happiness together ok!

My memorable day: December 2nd is "Musicians" day

December 2nd is my birthday so, once, I looked up some background info on that day. I thought it was so cool when I found out that December 2nd was when the Maria Kras [international vocal competition] was first held. It's also the birthday of some famous violinists, big foreign music artists, and lots of other music related people. It was so cool and made me really happy.

YaYaYah Recent Self Column: I messed up the price at th guitar store!

After a long time, i went to the guitar store and saw a really cool guitar. When I looked at the price, even though it was a pretty expensive brand, it was only 24000 yen. So, thinking I’d go ahead and buy it, I talked to the store manager for about an hour about it and then I looked at the price again and realized that it was actually 240,000 yen (laughs). So, I left the store feeling really bad.


Profile: Shoon Yamashita/12-20-88/Birthplace: Tokyo/Type A/Height: 172cm/Weight: 53kg

“If our eyes meet all of a sudden, I might fall in love!”

Q1 When was your first love? What kind of girl was she?

2nd grade. She wrote a letter to me that said, “Let’s go home together”!

Q2 What’s ur favorite girl gesture?

Yawn! While in class or something, seeing a girl yawning shows that she's totally defenseless.

Q3 You see a girl for the first time. Where do you look first?

Hair. I like short hair so when I see a girl with a short cut, I think “Oh~”

Q4 What do u think about being confessed to by a girl?

Happy. Being confessed to directly is most important!

Q5 What’s your favorite fashion for girls?

As long as she dresses nice and it suits her, anything’s fine. But, wearing things like suede are no good.

Q6 What’s your favorite hairstyle for girls?

Short cut, a bit brown is good. And a slight wave is cute.

Q7 What food would you want a girl to make for you?

Omlettes. And it would be cute if she drew a little picture or something on it with ketchup (laughs).

Q8 Concerning the bare look, how far is ok to you?

Things like a toothbrush or cup that she uses at home that no one knows about!

Q9 Do you fall in love at first sight?

No. I'm not the type that falls for people easily. I think the realization that you like someone happens differently.

Q10 Are you the type that confesses to the girl you like?

Yes! I’d meet her directly and tell her in a kind of dim place (laughs).

Q11 Do talk about love with the other members? If so, with who?

Do I? I don’t think so…If I did, then I’d want to listen to all of their perspectives though!

Q12 If you were a girl, which member would you go out with?

None of them (laughs). But i guess if I had to choose, I’d go out with Hikaru since he’s funny.

Q13 Frankly, in what kind of moment do you fall in love?

It depends but, if I see the same girl twice, I get interested.

Q14 Are you the type that pursues a relationship?

Yes! If a girl contacts me a lot, I get really happy.

Q15 Are you the type that gets depressed after a break up?

I’d like to say that I didnt but, I do. I guess I’m the type that gets depressed pretty often.

Q16 Are you the type that wants to see your girlfriend everyday?

If I really like her then I’d meet her everday probably. Even at midnight, if she told me she wanted to see me, I’d want to go see her too.

Q17 Tell us your ideal date!

I’d want to go to the beach at night. I think it’d be nice even if we were just gazing at the ocean. If it’s during the summer, I’d want to play with fireworks too.

Q18 Do u want to get married? Ideally, about what age do you want to get married at?

I do. At about 30 or older. I want kids too! I want to become the type of daddy that plays with his kids.

Q19  What are the benefits of going out with Shoon-kun?

If it’s a girl I really like, she’d always be the number one thing on my mind and I’d do anything for her, worrying about myself later.

Q20 A love message to your future girlfriend please!

Let’s go have fun at the nighttime ocean!

My memorable day: January 21st is "My audition" day

I auditioned for Johnny’s jimusho on the 21st of January when I was in 6th gd. I saw a concert and thought that I wanted to do things like that too so I turned in my resume and went to an audition. Obviously, I was extremely nervous. There were a lot of people all dancing intently and for some reason we all did situps together too.

YaYaYah Recent Self Column: The handbag I'm proud of!

Recently, I’ve been into anything I make myself. The most recent thing I made was a suede bag and leather belt. I bought the leather, made the pattern, and cut and sewed it all myself. It’s handsewn though, so there are some places that are pretty badly done but…(laughs) I made something myself that I had wanted though so I think it’s cool.

translation, shoon, hikaru

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