If you have come to this post expecting to hear about my love life, you are totally in the wrong place. Ten "
Beth"s and a "
God Gave Rock and Roll to You", and all is forgiven. Go and sin no more, eh?
I was given
Love Gun album for my birthday, probably on the year it came out, which would have made me six.
My mother was, and still is, unsure about the wisdom of the parents who allowed Charlene (my best friend at the time) to own all their albums up to that date and to give me this album as a present. Mom did let me keep it, though, and I enjoyed dancing around to it in my bedroom.
In defense of Charlene's parents, I would like to say that I had no idea what the
lyrics to "Plaster Caster" were
about until much later. I look at their decision in much the same way as I do my parents decision to take me to see
Grease at the drive in, which would have come out when I was, in fact, still six. Boy was I ever shocked on watching that movie when I got older.
Also, my mother now watches
Gene Simmons Family Jewels and has entertained me with stories from the show--take from that what you will.
On the other hand, the
Peter Criss cat makeup led to some very early feline furry thoughts. But I really don't know how anyone would have predicted that, and I'm fairly certain that not everyone had that response to being given a KISS album at an early age. I could see having a deep-seated thing about
really tall boots though.
My favorite song on the album , at least lyrically speaking, was "
Almost Human" This is easily explained by the fact that I was, and still am, a huge fan of monsters.
I cannot currently access any memories about which was the best to dance to.
Unfortunately, this lovely classic piece of vinyl disappeared from my collection.