[Kanji stations his Ariados, the weakest as well as the only one with a type disadvantage, with his pokegear on the side of the arena, so that she can film the whole thing for the network. He's standing on his side, looking confident and holding a pokeball.]
Alright, let's do this!
[The first pokemon called to Falkner's side is Noctowl. Kanji doesn't hesitate to toss the pokeball, revealing his Banette. Thomas stares down the opposing pokemon, notices that Katie is watching, and instantly tenses.]
[The ghost pokemon raises an arm and wiggles his fingers as if to say 'bring it on'. Katie makes a clicking noise of encouragement from the sidelines, and Thomas practically glows. The smile slides off his face as the Noctowl dives in.]
Use Night Shade, Thomas!
[It seems someone has explained this 'ghost vs. normal' thing to Kanji, because he uses the one move in Thomas' arsenal that will work. The ghost pokemon lets the collision happen, smirks, and unleashes the attack. The Noctowl reels, but quickly recovers and returns with Confusion.]
Shit! Come on, snap out of it!
[Thomas stumbles for a bit with his head in his hands, wildly looking around to figure out where he is. Katie screeches in distress from the sidelines as the Noctowl comes flying in again, and Thomas seems to find a moment of focus, repeating his last move. It doesn't recover from this one, and Falkner calls it back. Thomas is given a moment to gloat before Kanji recalls him, sending out his second pokemon just as Falkner calls his- this battle will be Marilyn the Pikachu against Honchkrow.]
[The rest of the gym battle does not last long.]
[Kanji returns to his pokegear after receiving his gym badge, smiling brightly and holding it up proudly.]
Hell yeah, knew I could do it! Man, we are so doing something to celebrate this!
[He turns to Marilyn and Thomas, who are looking a little bit tired but happy. Marilyn giggles and smiles at Thomas, who hesitates before holding up a hand. The two pokemon highfive, just before Kanji picks them up and holds them before the pokegear triumphantly.]
Screw the creepy music, thing's are goin' great!